PokeDetector : notifyer for Pokemon Go

- Release Date:
- Current Version:
- Adult Rating:
- Developer:
- Compatibility: iOS, Android
- Rating:
You’re crazy about Pokemon Go but a bit fed up with keeping app open all day only to catch some Pidgeys while your battery is crashing ?
Good news, these days are over. With PokeDetector, select only the pokemon you are looking for, and let your phone on screen-saver mode: you will get notified as soon as one of your selected pokemon spawns nearby (within 300 meters around you).
No chance to miss a Gyarados ever again: PokeDetector stays on alert for you all day 😉
Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
Disclaimer: This app is a fan/support app for Pokemon GO and is not officially affiliated with Niantic, Nintendo, or Pokémon, and complies with fair use of any trademarks.
Download free apk app for android or iphone ios.