Ultradex for Pokemon – Free Dex for Pokemon

- Release Date:
- Current Version:
- Adult Rating:
- Developer:
- Compatibility: iOS, Android
- Rating:
Ultradex is the ultimate unofficial Pokédex on the App Store. It includes every information you will ever need on each of the 718 Pokémon (Only Generation 1 is available for free. You will have to upgrade the app to get the remaining generations including X/Y) :
* General info :
+ Names (English, Japanese, French and German)
+ Numbers (National, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh)
+ Alternate forms
+ Height, weight, species
+ Abilities
+ …..
* Evolution chains
* Stats : Base stats, Damage Taken, Pokéthlon Stats…
* Breeding Info : Gender ratio, Egg groups, Steps to hatch…
* Training info : Base Exp, Base happiness, Capture rate, Growth rate, Effort points, held items…
* Moves : Level up, Egg, tutor and machines ! (types, PP, Power, Accuracy, Target, Effect…)
* Locations
* Browse by : Types, Egg groups, Abilities… Search by keywords …
* Movedex
* Itemdex
* Favorites list
* Tools : IVs, Stats and Hidden Power calculators
And much more !
Ultradex is an unofficial utility app published under Fair Use guidelines and is no way affiliated with Nintendo or any of its affiliates. Pokémon is a registered trademark of Nintendo. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Download free apk app for android or iphone ios.