PokeScan – Live & Real Time Radar Map for Pokemon GO

- Release Date:
- Current Version:
- Adult Rating:
- Developer:
- Compatibility: iOS, Android
- Rating:
PokeScan is a live and real-time radar for Pokemon GO. Discover all of the live Pokemon in your city (and go catch them). We are the only app that is:
Real Time -Unlimited Scans – Blazing Fast
Our data is accurate, real-time and the most consistent! Find Pokemon that are currently near you, see when they de-spawn and much more! #PokeScan, almost too good to be true… Almost 😉
Need help? Contact us on twitter @PokeScanApp
Finding Pokemon- Simply tap the ‘scan’ button in the top right corner! If you do not see anything, ZOOM IN! Move the map around! They may be hiding 😉
Errors- if you are prompted with an error, we get them too and address them as fast as possible. Please continue re-trying and checking back periodically.
Scanning other areas- Move the map around to wherever you’d like to scan and simply tap the "Scan" button in the top right.
When will they disappear?!- If you tap the icon of the pokemon, you can scroll down to the "Despawn Time" where the LIVE countdown is. This will tell you how long they will be live in that location, or how fast you have to run!
Trouble shooting- If you see an error alert, try rescanning a different area. If that doesnt work, try closing the application and relaunching it. If you don’t see any errors popping up, that means the app is working, there just aren’t any pokemon near you, go scan other areas.
For requests or inquires please email us at:
[email protected]
PokeScan for Pokemon GO is not affiliated with the Pokemon Brand, Niantic or Nintendo. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.