Cool Wallpapers for Pokemon

- Release Date: 2014-12-31
- Current Version: 2.9
- Adult Rating: 4+
- Developer: Hung Nguyen
- Compatibility: iOS, Android
- Rating:
Provide 2000+ HD Pokémon wallpapers for your iPhone such as: Pikachu, mewtwo, Lucario, Charmander, Eevee evelutions, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and more …
You must allow this application to access your gallery to save the image.
– Pull down to load more wallpapers.
– Save wallpapers to your photo gallery.
– Share wallpapers via Facebook, Twitter, Google+…
All wallpapers are optimized for better definition.
Internet connection is required while using this app.
This is an unofficial app for Pokemon.This app is not affiliated with the content creator.
All images are copyright to their respective owners, and usage for this falls within the "Fair Use" guidelines.